Synodontis nigriventris – Upside-down catfish 4.5cm

Synodontis nigriventris – Upside-down catfish 4.5cm


Synodontis nigriventris – Upside-down catfish 4.5cm

1 in stock

1 in stock


Common name: Upside-down catfish
Latin Name: Synodontis nigriventris

Origin & Requirements: Africa, Congo Basin; Hardy and adaptable, they are fairly shy and will need a soft substrate and rocks, pieces of driftwood and twisted roots to hide. Feed sinking pellets to ensure that food finds its way down to them.

Size: 10cm
Tank: 75+ liter
Strata: bottom
Temperament: peaceful
PH: 6.0-8.5
Hardness: soft to slightly hard (dH: 5-20)
Temperature: 23-28 C

Additional information

Weight 20 kg


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