Common name: Bronze Corydoras
Latin name: Corydoras aeneus
Maximum size: 7.5cm
Water chemistry: pH: 6.5 – 7.5; Hardness: Up to 20 dH, Temperature: 20 – 28 C
Origin: Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Trinidad and Tobago, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.
Diet: Will take good quality flake (such as Nutrafin Max Spirulina Algae Flakes), sinking pellets, algae wafers and occasionally frozen bloodworms.
Corydoras aeneus was one of the first of its genus to be readily available to the hobby and its popularity has lasted to the present day. Corydoras will appreciate some cover in the form of rocks or bogwood. Most Cory species occurs across a range of habitats from flowing rivers to still waters, so water flow in the aquarium is not critical.
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